ExperienceToni's career of 30 years includes international experience working with governments, employers and non-profit organisations in Australia, Britain, the United States and Japan. Some of the highlights include: As a consultant, spearheading the move to a demand-led employment system in Australia. The Federal Government’s recent tender for employment services 2015-20 puts a strong focus on employer engagement strategies advocated by Toni since 2005. She has gathered significant allies (and clients) including the BCA, ACOSS, ACTU, SVA, and leading employment providers to support this approach. As consultant to ACOSS, Toni led the consultation, research and writing of two major submissions to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Not for Profit Sector in 2009 – Toni delivered a strong report, covering value (beyond the number of services delivered), service delivery and contracting which was publicly acknowledged by the deputy commissioner as being significantly influential in their considerations and final report and recommendations Toni was deeply involved in the UK government’s successful redesign of welfare to work from 2001 to 2005 which aimed to make it more responsive to employer’s needs and increasing productivity, at the same time as offering better opportunities for disadvantaged unemployed people. She was Research Director for the National Employment Panel, an employer-led organisation which advised the then Chancellor, Gordon Brown, and other UK Ministers on labour market policies and performance. There she was responsible for the successful research and implementation of the Ambition programme, a ground-breaking initiative focusing on engaging employers in the design and delivery of training for 3,500 disadvantaged jobseekers in well-paid occupations with skill shortages, particularly energy, IT and construction sectors across the UK. See more about Toni’s UK work in a 2004 article from The Australian: This woman can cut our dole queues. Toni has a Masters in Nonprofit Management from the New School for Social Research in New York where she was awarded the prize for best final paper, “Maximizing Retention through Collaboration – Strategies for Wildcat’s Demonstration Project for Disadvantaged Jobseekers.” She also has a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland, and a Bachelor of Business Communication from Queensland University of Technology. Toni's full resume is available here. |